Thursday, September 23, 2004
Laziness: The world's leading virus
Do you make other people feed you? Do you call SafeRide so you don't have to walk to class? Do you buy Depends so you can skip the arduous trek to the bathroom? If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, then you are lazy.
I will admit that I am also lazy to a certain extent. I sleep 14-16 hours a day on the weekends. I usually sit outside my residence hall and wait for someone else to open the door just so I won't have to get out my CatCard. However, since I have my own editorial column, I'm allowed to be hypocritical.
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A college student's reasons to vote
"Man, it's a pain in the ass to vote, plus what effect does the election have on my life?"
Probably the majority of the college-age population has uttered something similar. In fact, people come up with a plethora of reasons to play a little extra Nintendo that day. But they're not reading this story either, so let them play Madden for a minute.
Above all other reasons for not voting, two stick out as most prevalent: One vote won't swing the election, and the election doesn't have any real effect on one's life.
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Guest commentary: UA needs to switch to Fair Trade coffee
In the early '90s in a small hilly village in Kenya, I recall a longtime teenage friend named Okioi (pronounced O-key-O-ei).
O could read English. He read stories from old newspaper articles that he obtained by collecting wraps from items bought at the local shop. (Unlike the plastic bags that you get at your grocery store, merchandise was wrapped nicely in old newspapers).
On a typical evening, as the rays of the sun sank down the western horizon, around 10 kids would sit with O to listen to the translations of the newspaper stories that he had read, while we shared miniature roast bites of weaver birds that we'd caught during the day. We were particularly enamored of stories about America, that great land where Rambo (Sylvester Stallone), our hero, lived.
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'Writing on Wall' just leads to more hate
In the last two years I have attended this school the Residence Hall Association (RHA) has put up some display meant to confront students with what they perceive has hatred and intolerance.
Last year it was the "Tunnel of Oppression;" this year we are subjected to the "Wall of Hate."
While perusing the wall, I came across a block that read, "Jesus is God."
[Read article]
