Photo Courtesy of Paramount Pictures
Charlize Theron opted to play a sex-futuristic leather-clad minx in her film 'Aeon Flux,' as opposed to being beat with another ugly stick.
By Michael Petitti
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, December 1, 2005
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Maybe, just maybe Doug Benson from www.bobanddavid.com - the Web site dedicated to the short-lived but brilliant "Mr. Show" - will finally cut Charlize Theron a break. Benson's "I Love Movies" column is a savage attack of stars, starlets and films that didn't pull any punches on Theron's Oscar-winning role in "Monster." Said Benson of the film: "Why would I go see an ugly Charlize Theron when I've never liked a movie featuring the pretty Charlize Theron?" Ouch.
Nevertheless, the love her/hate her actress is back with her latest film "Aeon Flux," based on Peter Chung's MTV animated series of the same name. For Theron, the film is a departure from her recently drama-heavy roles.
"You can't compare a film like 'Aeon Flux 'to 'North Country' or 'Monster,'" Theron said. "They're all in different genres and you have to celebrate that, but that doesn't make one easier than the other. I mean, 'Aeon Flux' was one of the harder films I've ever had to make."
One near-consistent theme in Theron's career has been her ability to completely dedicate herself to her roles. Whether it's gaining weight and changing her appearance for "Monster" or training for months and performing her own stunts for "Aeon Flux," Theron invests everything into her roles.
"It's challenging, but it's part of the challenge that I like," Theron said. "A huge part of this film, for me, was the physical aspect, and I said pretty early on that I didn't just want to be in the gym and change my body to look a certain way. I really wanted to learn these skills, so what happened to my body was really secondary."
Another thing that often comes up with an actress as gorgeous as Theron is the desire to see her scantily clad or completely nude. But Theron has all her bases covered when nothing else is.
"My regulation is very simple," Theron said. "I got very lucky very early on in my career that I got this in my contract - and I think I was one of the first people to get this - but my rule is always I'll do anything that I feel, with the director, is (proper for the role). And, that I see the film and if I feel (the nudity) services the story. That's when I approve it."
One of the seemingly easier roles Theron recently tackled was a guest spot on the brilliant but canceled "Arrested Development." As thrilling as the role was for Theron, she was shocked by the difficulties involved with comedy.
"Patty Jenkins, who directed 'Monster' - after we were done with 'Monster' - she went and directed a show for them," Theron said. "And we were having dinner and I was like (gasps) because it's one of the few things I really love. I mean, I'm such a loyal fan, and it's one of the few things on television that I think is written well, and I could never understand how it could never get a bigger audience."
Nevertheless, challenges are few and far between for Theron after winning an Academy Award for her role in "Monster." When it comes to selecting her next role, Theron doesn't fall back on her little gold man.
But, you're asking, how relevant is Theron's role in a sci-fi film like "Aeon Flux?"
"The whole film is really about questioning your government, and I think right now, in this day and age, the majority of America is doing that," Theron said. "Aeon is that quintessential character who stands up to her government and doesn't give in and doesn't live in this gilded cage and stay quiet because she's not OK with that, and she believes in freedom of speech and individual rights. So, I think in many ways it's quite shocking in this day and age how a film like this, which takes place 400 years in the future, is very relevant today."
Take that, W. "Aeon Flux" opens tomorrow.