Monday, December 5, 2005
New tuition hikes drafted
Board discussed different ratesfor separate colleges, majors
The Arizona Board of Regents discussed the possibilities of differential tuition and approved a draft response to the tuition increase senate bill at the regents meeting on Friday.
Rather than focusing on raising tuition as a whole, the regents
discussed the merits of adjusting tuition for the separate colleges in a university. This differential tuition is a lump sum amount that could be higher or lower than the base tuition at a university, said Board President Christina Palacios.
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Meth not a factor for UA students
A panel of experts in law enforcement, addiction treatment and toxic cleanup spoke Friday about the methamphetamine addiction in Tucson, a problem that seems slim among college students, officials said.
The cheap, easily manufactured chemical is extremely addictive and has proven to be a costly strain on the Tucson community for a variety of reasons, said Capt. David Neri, a 26-year veteran of the Tucson Police Department who spoke at the meth luncheon in the Tucson Convention Center.
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Student to climb 3 peaks in 3 weeks
Although she considers herself an amateur climber, Laura Hartstone has bigger things to worry about than climbing Africa's 19,335-foot-high Mount Kilimanjaro next year. She has to help raise $270,000 for African relief.
Hartstone, an international studies senior, is one of 12 women in the world who will participate in the "3 Peaks 3 Weeks Challenge," an international fundraiser that aims to raise funds and awareness for three issues affecting Africa today: education, environment, and HIV and AIDS.
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Quick Hits
Bernsen no-show at Friday regents meeting
Student Government President Cade Bernsen did not attend Friday's Arizona Board of Regents meeting. This marks the second day that Bernsen has not attended the meeting, which is a requirement of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona president.
No other ASUA representatives attended in Bernsen's place.
A president's failure to attend the meeting is a breach of the ASUA constitution and could be grounds for impeachment, according to the constitution.
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Paper seat protector costs hard to cover, officials say
The "double cover and hover" is a popular maneuver for people who are afraid of dirty toilet seats in public restrooms. While the hover maneuver might be possible in UA lavatories, the "double cover" isn't because most stalls don't have the paper butt-protectors.
Toilet seat covers are sheets of paper men and women can use instead of hovering to protect their backsides from germs on the seats of public restrooms. These fixtures are noticeably absent from UA restrooms, and Dave Parker, associate director of operations in the Arizona Student Unions, said they haven't been provided in the past because of the yearly cost.
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Abor briefs: Regents set search committee
The regents approved the UA Presidential Search Committee's Statement of Leadership Characteristics, which will be used by the committee to assess the credentials of prospective applicants, said Fred Boice, regent and chairman of the search committee.
About 350 faculty, staff, students and community members reviewed and added to a draft of the statement during 20 campus and community forums that were held in October, Boice said.
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Fast Facts
Things you've always never wanted to know
A wolf's odor-detecting ability is 100 times greater than a human's.
Acorn, banana, buttercup, butternut, carnival, delicata, golden nugget, Hubbard, kabocha, spaghetti, sweet dumpling, turban and pumpkin are varieties of winter squash.
In Sweden, it is a breech of etiquette to toast your host or anyone who is your senior in rank or age until after they toast you.
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