Monday, December 5, 2005
Your morals – or mine?
Something's gone wrong with the Christian conservative movement. Something's amiss. And beneath the farcical surface of "Breaking News"-prone politics, an infection is spreading through the ranks, silent, surreptitious and ultimately debilitating for a movement that found its legs and voice in the 30 years since Roe v. Wade.
Christian conservatism has abdicated the respectability of moralism for the self-righteousness of morals - and America is worse off today because of it.
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Confessions of a conservative
Bashing the Bush administration can be difficult for left-leaning individuals, for oftentimes those listening tend to dismiss their criticisms as purely regurgitated rhetoric. They believe critics criticize just to criticize, thereby convincing themselves that the expressed criticisms are not valid.
To counter this, I have developed an ingenious plan. Today, I am a Republican. Today, in my final column for the Arizona Daily Wildcat, the conservative side of me is on the prowl, and Bush's latest speech has me licking my lips.
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Bernsen story, Wildcat ads collide in a flash of irony
I have found a disturbing irony in reading the articles of late covering the alleged actions of ASUA President Cade Bernsen. Wednesday's Wildcat listed "nice rack" as being one of Mr. Bernsen's unwelcome sexual comments. Understandably, that is an inappropriate and offensive comment.
The irony is that Page 11 of the Dec. 2 Wildcat featured a half-page advertisement with a down-blouse photo of a young woman and in large bold font the words "nice rack." Compared to the strip-bar ads, this one was pretty tame. Let's not kid ourselves into thinking we can send a clear message regarding the seriousness of sexual harassment when sexist messages in the school newspaper are so easily justified by advertising revenue.
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