Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, September 24, 2004
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Quotes from around campus and the world
"Getting out the vote is key. It is not rocket science ... For your voice to be heard, you must go out and vote."
- Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano Wednesday night in the Gallagher Theater on the need for people to vote in the November presidential election.
"He's the youngest 70-year-old guy I know. I'm 30 and he's probably in better shape than I am."
- Ryan Hansen, director of basketball operations, on the 70th birthday of Lute Olson, head UA basketball coach.
"The proper response to difficulty is not to retreat. It is to prevail."
- President George W. Bush on the "war on terror" at the U.N. General Assembly at the United Nations, in New York.
"I used the freezer and people took my Otter Pops. I wanted to put them in a green beans box so no one would look in there."
- Laurel Johnson, undeclared freshman and resident of La Paz Residence Hall, on the uses and misuses of common refrigerators in residence halls.
I think we're past the stage of moral victory. We just need to win.
- Mike Bell, UA football junior tailback, after the 9-7 loss to Wisconsin Saturday.
"ASUA President Alistair Chapman and I agreed today on the changes of behavior that will be expected for the restoration of the university-wide Winter Commencement."
- UA President Peter Likins, in an email sent to employees and students Monday on the reversal of his decision to cancel Winter Commencement, following an overwhelmingly negative response from the campus community.
"I don't think it's necessary. It's sort of trashy to have it on campus."
- Dominique Trujillo, chemistry sophomore, on the Writing on the Wall Project. The Wall, covered with offensive language, was symbolically torn down Wednesday to celebrate diversity awareness.
"A lot of people think it's interesting and eye-opening. Mostly what I've gotten are stares."
- Valencia Patterson, pre-business junior and student volunteer, on the Writing on the Wall Project.