Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, January 20, 2006
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Yesterday’s article “Law Students Push For Elephant Haven” by Nicole Santa Cruz stated that the Reid Park Zoo is owned by the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation. The City of Tucson actually owns the park as well as the animals inside it, and the city will make the decision whether or not to move the elephants, not the zoo itself.
In the column “Benefits of Kyl’s cuts lost to students” by Tawfik Maudah, a quote was incorrectly attributed to USA Today. The quote, which referenced Sen. Kyl’s vote to cut student aid funding, appeared on the Web site of Jim Pederson, Kyl’s opponent in the upcoming election.
In the article “ASUA laptop-loan program up and running at library” by Zach Colick, it was incorrectly stated that there are 15 laptops. There are 12 laptops available at the Main Library Information Desk. Only students can borrow the laptops, not faculty. And there is a $15 late charge every hour, not every half hour.
The caption for the photo accompanying “ Karate master teaches Tri-Delts self-defense,” identifies Ashley Forsline, who was not pictured.
The Wildcat regrets these errors.