Tuesday, January 24, 2006
"You're the kind of woman who will graduate from this college, marry some man and make him miserable." This statement and many others like it were yelled at a young woman in the Alumni Plaza Thursday afternoon. Hearing it, I sprang from my seat on a nearby bench; as a Christian, I was dismayed, not just by the vitriol of the words, but by the fact that they were yelled by one of the UA Mall preachers featured on the Arizona Daily Wildcat's front page last week.
[Read article]
· Breaking the bonds of silence |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: January 19, 2006
Latest Issue: December 6, 2005
Fire twirling, sword swallowing on club's weekly agenda
There's a little pyromaniac in all of us. Blame our caveman
instincts, but our fascination with this force of nature - both
destructive and life-sustaining - starts with childhood, where
experiments with a Zippo lighter and your mother's industrial-sized can
of hairspray gives you hours of fun and, if you're lucky, a brand-new
set of eyebrows. [Read
article] |