MATT ROBLES/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Participants in the CatWalk march down the UA Mall in their togas yesterday afternoon. The CatWalk kicked off Greek Week while also benefiting the Bobbi Olson Cancer Fund.
By Georgeanne Barrett
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, September 27, 2004
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Greek Week kicked off Sunday with the fourth annual "CatWalk," a one-mile walk benefiting the Bobbi Olson Endowment for Cancer Research.
Lute Olson, who was joined by his wife Christine Toretti, started the walk with a speech thanking Greek Life for its contributions to the university and the Bobbi Olson Endowment for Cancer Research. Olson also spoke to about 800 participants about the advances the Arizona Cancer Center is making in cancer research.
"Cancer research is on the cutting edge of great breakthroughs," Olson said. "Our cancer center here is tremendous. It is an oasis in the desert."
Lute's first wife, Bobbi Olson, died from ovarian cancer in 2001. The Bobbi Olson Endowment for Cancer Research helps contribute to research at the Arizona Cancer Center.
Lute Olson remarried in summer 2003.
The one-mile walk started at the fountain at Old Main, and wound around Park Avenue through greek row, ending on the east side of Old Main.
Tanner Marcantel, Greek Life adviser, said there were 10 teams involved in the walk with approximately 100 people in each team. Each person involved donated $15 and received a T-shirt with the name and date of the CatWalk. The CatWalk raises the most money of all the Greek Week fundraisers, Marcantel said.
"This walk is about us coming together for a unified greek community," Marcantel said.
Marcantel said though the majority of the participants are part of the greek system, anyone was able to participate.
"The walk is mostly centered for greeks," Marcantel said. "Community members and students are also welcome."
Marcantel said this year the theme of Greek Week is ancient Greece. Each participant in the walk was encouraged to come wearing a toga. Many of the participants decided to turn their bed sheets into togas for the event.
Sarah Miller, co-chair for Greek Week, said she was excited about the walk and its theme of "bearing down on cancer."
"This walk is such a good focus on something bigger for the community," Miller said.
Before the walk started, an impromptu fashion show was held at the Old Main fountain, where two members from each team modeled their togas.
Members of each team chanted their sorority or fraternity names and held signs, trying to increase excitement and spirit.
Jason Russell, an undeclared freshman in Sigma Phi Epsilon, thought the walk was a great way to start Greek Week. Russell showed his spirit by coming to the walk wearing a toga made from a green and white striped sheet.
"This shows good unity for the frat and is a good way for us to hang out," Russell said. "The togas are very comfortable, and they are all in the spirit of this week."
Carly Bennett, a liberal arts freshman who participated in the walk, said it was a great way for Greek Life to give back to the community.
"This is a great idea for philanthropy," Bennett said.
Carmen Reed, also a liberal arts freshman, said she thought it was great the proceeds from the walk went to the Bobbi Olson Endowment for Cancer Research.
"This is a very good thing since it is for the coach's wife," Reed said.
The CatWalk marked the beginning of a week of events for Greek Life that will end Saturday with an Olympic-style tournament on the UA Mall.