Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Extremist politics of GOP off-putting
The College Republicans finally got their voice. They finally got a conservative speaker to battle the forces of liberal darkness for them at the UA.
They got Ann Coulter.
The College Republicans booked Coulter, the reigning Queen of Shrill and Barbie-Doll Rejects, to help spread the conservative goodness all around. Did I just say conservative? Oh, wait, who am I kidding? I surely meant Republican.
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On the Edge
The best in last week's editorials from college campuses around the nation
University of Michigan
There is no shortage of advocacy against sexual abuse on the University's campus. Student-sponsored events like V-Day and Take Back the Night, as well as university initiatives such as the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, offer a cushion of support to the numerous students who fall victim to sexual assault. However, most of these groups have the image of being very female-oriented. Recognizing that it is critically important to expanding the focus of these programs, not only because men can be assaulted, but also because their involvement is necessary to make progress against sex crimes, SAPAC has rightly expanded its services to include a men's activism program.
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Better safe than sorry
While reading Lauren Peckler's column Friday on the stereotypes that women face, I found myself thinking of one of my mother's old mantras: "It's better to be safe than sorry."
Sure, we may feel safe walking back from the library to the parking garage late at night, but on that slim off-chance that someone does try to assault us, wouldn't it be better to make like Jean-Claude Van Damme than to sit back and take a beating, mugging, or raping?
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