Thursday, October 14, 2004
End the hate: Shut the anger up
I learned on Monday that there are two sides to Michael Moore. He has his side that gets caught up in the moment and screams "Argh!" and "Shut the fuck up!" at the College Republicans who are among the 14,500 people in McKale Center.
Then he has his more thoughtful side that talks about how debating different ideas is healthy in a democracy and how we should try to overcome what he calls "the politics of hate."
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Editorial: Kerry takes the debate once again
For the third time in as many weeks, the American people had the chance to see the two contenders in the presidential race square off on national television. For the third time, they had the chance to compare the two side-by-side. And, for the third time, they got to see Sen. Kerry soundly defeat President Bush.
Bush didn't get trounced in the third debate the way he did in the first. But he also didn't come close to leveling the field the way he did in the second. He stood up straight, he didn't scowl, he didn't speak (too much) out of turn - in short, he fixed the errors his advisers told him to. But he didn't speak with force or conviction. He continued to stumble over his answers. And, most importantly, he continued to avoid answering critical questions.
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Campus disaster drill devoid of any benefit
Missing from the Wildcat account of the disaster preparedness drill was any hint of awareness on the part of the UAPD or the administration of the harm they caused by failing to warn the campus community adequately.
Is it a "success" when crucial midterm exams are canceled five days before the last deadline to drop classes?
Is it a "success" when university employees are subject to arrest for trying to do their jobs? Or, if none of that bothers you, is it a "success" when people learn to expect false alarms from real authorities?
[Read article]
