Friday, October 15, 2004
Voting should be based on more than politics
As the presidential election nears, the majority of people already know who they are going to vote for, while a small mass of undecided voters are still trying to decide whether they should breathe in or breathe out first. Analyzing each candidate's stance on political issues is somewhat important, but not as important as examining the non-political issues.
Before choosing a final candidate for the office of president of the United States, everyone should first consider: "Which presidential candidate would make for a funnier impersonation on 'Saturday Night Live?'"
[Read article]
Coulter generalizes Muslims as murderers
I was killing time in the bookstore today and decided to leaf through Ann Coulter's new book, "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)" to get a good idea of what she will be talking about in her speech on campus next week.
I was appalled at the level of hatred and racism she displayed toward Muslims. She generalized all Muslims as snarling, vicious murderers who want nothing more than to come and slaughter all of us in our sleep.
[Read article]
