Thursday, October 28, 2004
Has ASU gotten better than the UA?
The two scenarios are strikingly similar.
A renowned economics professor, on the cusp of winning the Nobel Prize, the highest award in academia, leaves his long-time home for another school.
A year later he wins the award, making his former institution look unprepared, under-funded and outwitted. Meanwhile, the professor's new home gets bragging rights, attention and prestige.
This scenario has played out twice in the last three years. Unfortunately, the UA was on the losing end while this month Arizona State University found itself on the winning end.
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Election Guide: U.S. House and Senate
U.S. House and Senate
The 2004 presidential election has dominated the headlines in the past few months. However, despite the hoopla surrounding the race for the highest office in the land, there are other political positions that demand our attention.
This year a cadre of candidates are vying for your vote for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Here are our picks for Arizona senator and representatives of districts 7 and 8, districts that serve a good portion of UA students.
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Flores should be shown compassion, not shunned
Two years ago, when the three nursing professors were shot, I was horrified. At the time, however, I was working as a nurse in Minnesota and I said to one of my coworkers, "That guy just lived out every nursing student's dream." We laughed about it because for the most part, it's true. I worked as a nurse for two years and in that time did not encounter another nurse who didn't think he or she had at least mild PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) after nursing school. I went to Cochise College (down in Douglas and Sierra Vista for those unfamiliar with Arizona) and to this day, I can't drive by the place without becoming mildly nauseated.
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