Monday, November 15, 2004
Silencing Private Ryan
So, Thursday was Veterans Day, and Americans across the country used the day off to honor those who have served to protect our freedoms. With our troops currently off fighting a war halfway around the world, it is especially important to be reminded of what our soldiers face when we send them into battle. It's good for all of us to be reminded of the horrors of war and of the sacrifices that our soldiers make.
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More diverse faculty needed
In the fifth grade I had my first male teacher, Mr. Michael Dedman. Up until that point all of my teachers had been female, middle-aged or older. Like the students, it seemed like the teachers at St. Mark's Elementary had their own uniform and dress code. They all projected a matronly image complete with sensible shoes, no-fuss haircuts and endless stories of their children when they were our age.
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More mature modes of debate needed at the UA
Recently the opinions section of the paper has been flooded with letters from angry college students, desiring nothing more, it seems, then to demean each other and "bash" different lifestyles.
I am a conservative, heterosexual, Christian male from the Midwest, and yes, I voted for Bush. I don't appreciate picking up the Arizona Daily Wildcat and reading how one author or another thinks that I am an ignorant, religious zealot when they have never met me or talked to me before. It's judgmental.
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