Friday, January 28, 2005
In an effort to boost school spirit, ASUA passed a resolution last week to support reinstating a student section in McKale Center for men's basketball games.
At men's basketball games, students often cluster in small sections, but the majority of students are still spread out from one another, said Amber Harryman, spirit director for the Associated Students of the University of Arizona.
Instead of being on both sides of the court, ASUA wants to have one central student section, similar to that of football games, to encourage school spirit, said Harryman, a classics junior.
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College students are rarely afforded a better opportunity to look ridiculous than when they are all simultaneously attempting to impress and attract one another in a small, enclosed space. Parties would be an excellent example, but the frequent presence of alcohol usually renders us neither impressive nor attractive.
On the other hand, the Student Recreation Center, seemingly one of the few places on campus where drinking is not fervently encouraged, provides the perfect venue to observe college at its silliest. It has all of the prerequisites: loud, jarring music, plenty of mirrors and an abundance of revealing sports bras that do much to suggest a different kind of “sport” altogether (common sense would dictate that flirtation is a pastime best enjoyed when you look and smell good, but simple logic is apparently a luxury to be dispensed with at the Rec Center).
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· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: January 27, 2005
