Friday, February 4, 2005
Fallacies from the religious right
Peter is an imposing figure. On this sunny Arizona afternoon, his sleeves are rolled up and small streams of sweat disappear behind his mirrored sunglasses. Gesticulating with one hand and clutching a Bible in the other, he speaks in insistent tones, the coiled muscles in his jaw clenching and relaxing with the cadence of his speech. Even in the heat, Peter doesn't pause for water (Peter isn't his real name, which he declined to give).
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Commentary: Kidz Korner is great, but parents deserve more
Life recently became a little easier for some students working to both pass their classes and raise their children. Kidz Korner, a $2,000 project funded by the office of dean of students, provides an area where UA students with children can bring them to play. Their children can play while the parents supervise and study. By all accounts, this is only a small step toward meeting the needs of UA student-parents, but hopefully it is a sign of greater things to come.
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Letter on abortion shows attitude of past
This is a letter in response to Annie McIntyre's letter Tuesday, titled "Wildcat wrong for covering pro-choice event." Annie has a few gaps in her reasoning process, and I would love to point them out to her. In her article, she twice links abortions to sexual immorality (or immoral sexuality), yet fails to back that claim up. She states that sexual immorality leads to illegitimate pregnancy, which leads to murder. The No. 1 problem that she has is that there is no causality established. Her version of morality holds that unmarried couples should not have sex. She then states that any immorality therein will cause an illegitimate pregnancy. Wrong. Unmarried couples get pregnant, and married couples get pregnant. This notion of illegitimacy died a century ago, when people still dueled to settle their problems. Also, married couples and unmarried couples alike opt for abortion.
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