By Melanie Klein
Arizona Daily Wildcat
June 5, 1996
An exhibit of the National Geographic Action Books, "Ten Years of the Best of 3-D," is on display in the Special Collections lobby of the UA Main Library until July 15.The exhibit features 20 pop-up and movable books published by the National Geographic Society since 1985. Papers relating to the development, creation and printing of "Wonderful Animals of Australia" will also be on display. The National Geographic Society has published two, nonprofit 3-D action books annually since 1985, with the exception of 1986.
"National Geographic provides the concept, text and illustrations, while the paper engineers provide the pop-up and movable portions," said James Sinski, curator of the exhibit.
"It is a difficult union between National Geographic and the paper engineers," said Sinski, who has a collection of approximately 1,700 pop-up books.
"The text writers and illustrators had to be willing to cooperate with the paper engineers when they would say, 'This idea won't work in 3-D.' Likewise, the National Geographic drawings are absolutely correct in form, color and shape. The paper engineers had to work within those boundaries by doing color changes and so forth," he said.
Peter Steere, assistant librarian, said, "The 3-D pop-up books go hand in hand with the National Geographic mission of education."
The books can be purchased through nonprofit book organizations or ordered from the National Geographic Society for $20 to $25. "The production of the books cost more than what they are sold for," Sinski said. "It's a great deal."
-Melanie Klein