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In defense of Safrin

By Ahmad Saad Nasim
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 18, 1999
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To the editor,

I am writing this letter to better inform university students of the situation that involves vice presidential candidate Viviane Safrin. In last Friday's Wildcat, an article was written describing Safrin's violation of campaign rules concerning her premature petitioning of Greek houses and residence halls for permission to hang her banners. What was not mentioned in the article was that upon learning of her error, Safrin approached the elections commissioner to inform him of her mistake. The commission determined that she had only committed a minor offense, and she was allowed to continue her campaign.

I believe that we should stop focusing our attention on trivialities (which have been deemed insignificant by the Elections Commission) and focus on the views that the candidates represent. This is not the first time a valid candidate has unintentionally violated campaign rules, and I believe that Safrin should be commended for her integrity in assuming responsibility for her mistake.

John Carpenter
Molecular and cellular biology and art junior