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The bright side of ASUA

By Whitney D. Grese
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 23, 1999
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To the editor,

Due to the recent focus on a few negative issues surrounding ASUA, almost all of the positive ASUA activities have been ignored. This letter will serve as a reminder.

On the educational front, here are some events that have occurred since August: Sexual Assault Awareness Week, National Coming Out Day, Women's History Month activities, World AIDS Day, Campus Safety Fair, presentations by Leslie Feinberg, Kate Bornstein, Jan Schlitmann and Johnnie Cochran, free self-defense classes, ASUA Days on the Mall, and the I.N.P.U.T Forum.

Programs like Bear Down Camp, International Student Welcome, the ASUA/RHA Basketball League, Escort Service, Legal Services, National Collegiate Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., various trips to the state capitol to advocate students' needs, the Student Union Selection Committee and the presentation of over 15 sexual assault education and prevention programs show our genuine interest in making a difference in the lives of other students.

Having had such success with these events in the past, our focus for the future includes: International Students Association and Minority Council's Multicultural Week, Feb. 24-26; Then Big Event, our annual campus-wide philanthropy on March 7; Campus Acquaintance Rape Educators and Women's Resource Center's UA Take Back the Night, a coed demonstration against violence on March 9; Spring Fling, the nation's largest student-run carnival on April 1-4; and Student Health Advisory Council's Health Fair, also in April.

Now that you are fully aware of our activities, I hope to see more support for all the positive things we do as an organization. ASUA has plenty to offer as an organization, and that our death is not as near as you think.

Whitney D. Grese
Campus Acquaintance Rape Educators
ASUA Programs and Services