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Kolbe: UA student success in free-enterprise system likely

By Tate Williams
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 6, 1999
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Kristy Mangos
Arizona Daily Wildcat

U.S. Representative Jim Kolbe speaks to Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) and other interested attendees about the future of students in a growing economy last night in the UA Social Sciences Building. Kolbe told the audience that free enterprise will help them succeed in the United States.

U.S. Representative Jim Kolbe said last night UA students have a strong future in the country's free-enterprise system.

"You've got the world in the palm of your hand today," Kolbe told about 50 people during a speech at the University of Arizona's Social Sciences building. "You live in a time of enormous opportunity."

Kolbe joined two other University of Arizona professors in a discussion about the opportunities students have to shape the country's economy.

"I am very much involved and committed to the free enterprise system in our country," he said. "I would encourage you that you can make a difference in the system."

The Arizona Republican said he is concerned with the future of world trade and Social Security - two issues that will determine the economic future of the country.

He also encouraged young people, regardless of their interests, to become involved in the political process and be aware of the government's actions.

Students In Free Enterprise organized the presentation in order to gain enthusiasm for the non-profit club, said member Gary Siegel, a retailing and consumer studies senior who also spoke at the function.

The group chose Kolbe as a speaker because of his involvement with the North American Free Trade Agreement and his support of free-enterprise, said member Nicholas Zager, a retail junior.