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Gun laws need to be changed

By Gregory Schneider
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 22, 1999
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To the editor,

After the school shootings in Colorado, we need to change the gun laws in this country. We should have the same gun laws that Germany has in place. Since 1949 in Germany, in order to have a handgun you need to get a permit called the schutzenrein (gun permit). In order to get the permit you need to undergo an extensive background check by the police. Once you have the permit, the gun must be locked up at all times when you aren't at the gun club.

The only place where you can unlock the weapon or buy bullets is at the gun club, once you leave the gun club you have to lock up the gun.

The only way you can get a rifle in Germany is if you are a farmer or live in a rural area. The permit is called a jagerein (rifle permit). You have to undergo a background check to get the permit. The only organization in Germany that has sophisticated weapons is the Bundeswehr (federal army). We should have the same gun laws in the United States as Germany.

Gregory Schneider
Political science and history senior