



Res. Life revamps contested dorm plan
In response to student protests, UA Residence Life Director
James Van Arsdel said yesterday all returning dorm residents
will be able to squeeze into the halls next semester.
By converting office space, increasing occupancy in dorms and
purchasing a sorority house, residence life officials hope to accommodate a large influx of
freshmen and all returning residents.





3 of a kind
For a baseball team to succeed, the players have to play together
as a team.
The pitcher must understand that pitchers and catchers must be
on the same wavelength. The center fielder has to know the
exact tendencies of the two fielders that flank him to the left and
right and the infielders must know the range each of them





Editorial: Put a new choice on the
ballot to raise interest
It won't be long before ASUA primary and general elections descend on this campus only to slam
against a student disregard that has become evident even at this early point.
Waning interest from a student body disillusioned with ASUA has registered already in the dearth
of candidates running for office. Only 20 candidates will be competing for 13 spots this year and
the two top offices of administrative and executive vice president won't even see a meaningful race
as the candidates are running unopposed. Truly deplorable, especially considering a campaign
law-violator is one of the two running unopposed.


Do you plan on voting in the ASUA elections?

Today: Partly cloudy with highs in the low 70s. Tonight, skies will be partly cloudy. Lows in the 40s.

"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-90)

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