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Nevada, Utah students may receive in-state tuition rate

By Ryan Gabrielson
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
January 20, 2000
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Students in some counties of Nevada and Utah may be able to receive in-state tuition at Arizona universities, pending a vote at today's Arizona Board of Regents meeting.

This proposition is similar to an ABOR policy that allows California residents that lived within 75 miles of Arizona to receive in-state tuition at Arizona schools as long as they don't exceed six credit hours.

The areas that could be effected by the change in policy are Clark County, Nevada, and Kane and Washington Counties, Utah. Nevada and Utah already exchange tuition breaks with Arizona residents near the state's northern border.

A lack of four year institutions in the area is one of the main reasons for the change in policy.

"They don't have access to any form of higher education," said Jeanette Baker, Northern Arizona University executive director of the president's office.

This would give residents in those counties the ability to participate in programs provided by NAU, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona - including all branch institutions.

NAU is the university that would be most affected by the proposed change since it is closest to Utah and Nevada.

The proposal would place a limit on the amount of students who could take advantage of the tuition break. Arizona students would still get enrollment priority.

"Enrollment by such students is limited to filling existing excess capacity, and must not displace Arizona residents nor result in additional expenditures for course offerings," the executive summary stated.

The UA does not have a program in northern Arizona and officials are unsure whether this proposed change would provide the university incentive to create one.

There has yet to be any vocal opposition to the change and Regent Jack Jewett doesn't foresee any.

"I don't think that there will be any conflict over this," Jewett said.

Ryan Gabrielson can be reached at Ryan.Gabrielson@wildcat.arizona.edu

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