Don't get out your dancing shoes just yet.
During the first emergency Associated Students of the University of Arizona meeting in more than eight years Friday, ASUA President Ben Graff put Fall Ball 2000 on the chopping block because of low ticket sales.
At the meeting, the full Senate voted to overlook the "pull the plug" date - which fell at midnight last Friday - and continue spending money for the campus-wide formal, which was scheduled for Nov. 4. Graff, however, rightfully stepped in and vetoed two proposals that would have allocated $2,200 to hire a DJ and a band for the event.
With Fall Ball of life support, the Senate will attempt to revive the dance tomorrow night at its weekly meeting. Apparently, Sen. Matt Bailey, who developed the idea for Fall Ball as a part of his campaign last spring, believes he has the necessary support for the Senate to override Graff's veto and let Fall Ball continue.