Friday Feb. 22, 2002 |
| Online since 1994
Garage crimes up again this month
Crimes in UA parking garages increased in January and February, UA Police Department records show.
Fifteen crimes have been committed this month, one short of September's record for the academic year. December and November had the lowest number of crimes with six and seven. There have been no reports of stolen cars this month.
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Gymcats face Huskies on Senior Night
The No. 12 Arizona Gymnastics team takes on Pacific 10 Conference opponent Washington tonight at 7:30 p.m. in McKale Center.
The Huskies come to Tucson for "Senior Night" following an upset victory over Arizona State last Friday, with a record of 3-3 overall and 2-2 in Pac-10 competition.
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UA childcare not up to par with other Pac-10 schools
Kat Sabine is familiar with the difficulties student parents face in trying to juggle parenthood and academics.
Sabine, a parent and graduate student in women's studies, began her undergraduate career at the University of Arizona when her son was 3 years old. She said finding adequate and affordable childcare has been a continuous struggle while attending the university.
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Letters to the Editor
Aim criticism at the right target
Last Friday, a Wildcat editorial correctly pointed out that budget cuts are "threatening our beloved programs, housing, classes, teachers' pay raises and building restorations."
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Play shows new side of 'Nam
Think back to all the Vietnam stories told over the years. From Coppola's "Apocalypse Now" to Heller's "Catch 22," the focus is on the soldier's experience, telling the men's perspective. Unfortunately, in these productions by men, about men, the women's wartime stories have been totally overlooked.
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