Monday October 1, 2001
Economy may correct itself next summer
UA economist who was at World Trade Center says attacks will affect economy
UA economist Marshall Vest told members of the press Friday that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks will continue to have harmful effects on local, national and international economies.
Vest, who experienced the attacks firsthand while attending a conference in the World Trade Center, said many economists had predicted a recession before the attacks, but the U.S. economy took a major blow the moment the World Trade Center was hit.
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Fast facts:
Take a magazine to the beauty shop with you next time you are in Florida, because you may be fined for falling asleep under the hair dryer. Florida officials can also fine the salon owner.
Watch where you take that hem. In France, Napoleon instituted a scale of fines for sex offenses, which included 35 francs for a man guilty of lifting a woman's skirt to the knee and 70 francs if he lifted it to the thigh.
Don't forget to wash behind your ears because in Kentucky, every citizen is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.
Professors in Hazelton, Pa., quench their thirst with water due to a law on the books stating that no persons may drink a carbonated beverage while lecturing students in a school auditorium.
Control your generosity because in Idaho, a citizen is forbidden by law to give another citizen a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds.
On this date: Monday October 1st, 2001
Writing home to mom and dad got a little easier in 1869 when the world's first official prepaid postcards were issued by the Austrian Post Office.
The face of transportation changed in 1908 with the introduction of the Model-T automobile. Henry Ford sold his first one for $825.
Families everywhere turned on their televisions in 1952 when "This is Your Life," the testimonial show with host Ralph Edwards, debuted on NBC. The show continued to air for nine more seasons.
Funny man Groucho Marx introduced Johnny Carson on Carson's first night as host of "The Tonight Show" in 1962. Carson replaced Perry Como as the late-night host.
Everyone wanted to be a kid again in 1971 when Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Fla. Eventually it would become the largest man-made tourist attraction in the world.
"We condemn terrorist attacks throughout the world."
- Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Afghan ambassador in neighboring Pakistan on why the United States should negotiate for bin Laden.
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