Monday October 1, 2001
Learn about your global neighbors through art at the opening of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies' 11th Annual Photography Exhibit, on display now in the Franklin building, Room 202H. This year's topic, "Popular Culture in the Middle East: Vignettes of Everyday Life," portrays social and cultural aspects of typical Middle Eastern life. The exhibit can be seen Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information on past CMES exhibits, call Anne Bennett at 621-8079.
You never have to leave that lecture hall with bad notes again. Get useful tips on writing, organizing and annotating lecture notes at today's University Learning Center's Workshop at 11 a.m. The free class meets in the Bear Down Gym, Room 201, and will also include strategies on taking and using lecture and discussion notes effectively. For more information on other University Learning Center workshops, call Stacey Hartman at 621-2475.
Say what? If your professors are having trouble understanding your written assignments and your grades are reflecting their confusion, give the Weekly Writing Workshop a shot today at 5 p.m. Kendra Gaines from the Writing Skills Improvement Program will address, "Overcoming Grammatical Errors and Awkward Writing." Today's workshop is part of a semester-long free series of classes offered in Modern Languages, Room 411. For more information on future workshop topics, call Donna Rabuck at 621-5849.
Sign up for an accelerated class today, and begin to speak another language in just two weekends. The UA Extended University is currently registering students for an innovative, condensed 30-hour-format class designed to teach foreign languages in two weekends or five consecutive weekdays. The class is being offered in Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Class times and locations vary. If you are interested in picking up a new language, or need to complete language credits before the semester is over, call 621-7724 for more information.
Celebrate the Spanish Day of the Dead with traditional art at the Dia De Los Muertos Exhibit at the Arizona State Museum. Collages and prints from local artists illustrate the ever-popular feast day. Replicas of many of the pieces can be purchased in the museum gift shop. The exhibit can be seen during normal business hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the north building of the museum. For more information on other Dia De Los Muertos exhibits, call Martin Kim at 626-5886.