Wednesday November 7, 2001 |
| Online since 1994
Student and wife slain in apartment
Details slim during investigation
The murder of a chemistry student and his wife Saturday night left fellow students with questions and neighbors in fear, as police continue to investigate.
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Feature Photo
ERIC M. JUKELEVICS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Peter Fine, a beginning graphic design instructor and first year visual communications graduate student, grades the "Roots of Graphic Design" project yesterday in the art building. The assignment was to design a poster based on an artistic style of the student's choice.
Cheap airfares not a reality for most students
Rates continue to climb as normal travel resumes after attacks
Students seeking ultra-low airfares in the wake of the recent drop in air travel might be too late, a local travel agent said.
An agent for STA Travel, the University of Arizona's on-campus travel agency, said prices for domestic airfares are not as low as many might think in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.
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No longer an afterthought
Saragosa and Sebbas making names for themselves
In baseball and football, the pitcher and the quarterback are the players who receive most of the attention on the team.
For instance, rarely is the second baseman who lays down a sacrifice bunt or the offensive lineman who creates the hole for the game-winning touchdown given much credit.
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Letters to the Editor
Gay community should be ashamed
This is in response to the letter written by Jonna Lopez on Monday. I am so sick of the gay community feeling that it must force the rainbow flag down the throats of every heterosexual. I am a gay guy myself, and I must say that groups such as LGBT make me ashamed. These people show their support at un-American rallies and protests like the anti-air strikes in Afghanistan protest back in October. They participate in such shameful events and yet they cannot leave the time-honored boy scouts alone.
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Give it up, Gisele, for the rebirth of Venus
Fibers artist weaves past and present images of beauty
Master of Fine Arts student Darden Bradshaw challenges the societal beauty queens in Cosmo and Mademoiselle with her thesis exhibition piece - a large-scale tapestry recreating and subverting Sandro Botticelli's painting "Birth of Venus."
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