Friday Feb. 8, 2002
Hull pushes to eliminate pay raises
Officials fear cutting 5 percent increases would be a serious blow to morale
Across-the-board raises recently promised to UA employees may be in jeopardy, a possibility that administrators fear will devastate morale among university employees.
The 5 percent raises - which apply to all state employees, including University of Arizona faculty and staff - came under fire Wednesday when Gov. Jane Dee Hull asked the Legislature to permanently eliminate them from the budget to combat a state budget deficit that may exceed $250 million.
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Fast facts:
If you are taking a class in pistology, you are studying faith.
If you are hedenophobic, you have a fear of pleasure.
Government by a woman or women is called a gynarchy.
Geyser is derived from an Icelandic word for hot springs.
A threnody is a song of lamentation, a funeral song or a dirge.
A clue originally meant a ball of thread. This is why one is said to unravel the clues of a mystery.
On this date:
In 1861, the Confederate States of America organized in Montgomery, Ala.
In 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated and chartered by William D Boyce.
In 1926, Walt Disney Studios was formed.
In 1958, Edgar Whitehead succeeded Garfield Todd as premier of South Rhodesia.
In 1969, a meteorite weighing more than a ton fell in Chihuahua, Mexico.
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