Joe Metz Pima Student riding around at the UA
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday February 26, 2002
Joe crashes a lot, has many scars; comes to UA to ride his bike down stairs
WILDCAT: So, you just come to UA to ride down our stairs on your bike?
METZ: Basically.
WILDCAT: Cool. Yeah, so what the crap made you think this is a good idea?
METZ: Because they're fun and I like to do it.
WILDCAT: Yeah, good plan. But at least you wear a helmet so that your head doesn't get smashed in.
METZ: Exactly.
WILDCAT: Smart. Yeah, I mean, who cares if you land on your femur or clavicle, who needs those. But your head, you definitely need that.
METZ: Well, if I didn't have a helmet I'd probably be a vegetable, so ·
WILDCAT: Mmm · I love vegetables. Well, not peas or green beans, oh, or cabbage, yuck, I hate cabbage. But I love all the others.
METZ: Okay.
WILDCAT: So, do you crash a lot on your bike?
METZ: Oh yeah, all the time.
WILDCAT: And he still does it, folks, what a genius. Now have all your crashes been on stairs?
METZ: A couple times.
WILDCAT: So, what other stupid, I mean, crazy things do you do?
METZ: Uh, big drop stairs, race down hills.
WILDCAT: So really, possibly some of the most insane things you could do. That's all you had to say: "The most insane thing you can do." Once, when I was little I tried to roller skate down stairs and now I have a teeny-tiny scar on my nose. Yeah, dumb.
METZ: Yeah, I have lots of scars all over my body.