By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday March 3, 2003
Student primary elections begin today, but only the offices of president and administrative vice president are contested.
Freshman Class Council Director J.P. Benedict, Administrative Vice President Jered Mansell and Senator Travis Pritchett are all on the ticket for president. Two will survive and move onto the general election next week.
The student body president acts as chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief spokesperson for the students.
"The most important role of the student body president is advocating for students and relaying to state, administration and faculty," Benedict said.
Mansell also acknowledged the president's role as a mouthpiece for the student body, recognizing the president as "a representative to the students."
"We need to make sure ASUA knows what students want and need," Pritchett said.
The administrative vice president oversees about 15 programs and services, including the Women's Resource Center and SafeRide.
Former assistant elections commissioner Talianna Kattan and senators Victoria Ruan and Dan Suh are hopefuls in that race. Two will remain after the primary ends tomorrow evening.
Senator Scott Cheney and lobbyist Melanie Rainer will go head to head for executive vice president, but the primary will act only as a poll for that race.
The same goes for the senate, where 20 students are seeking to grab 10 seats after next week's general election. Last year was the first year that elections were held online only, though all races were uncontested in the primary.
In previous years, voter turnout has been lower than anticipated, which Elections Commissioner Jason Korner attributes mostly to student's lack of knowledge about campaign issues and candidates. Last year, only 2,995 students voted in the primary election.
"Turnout does matter," he said. "But I don't think that getting 50 percent to vote should be the focus. Getting 10 percent of intelligent voters is more important."
A presidential debate will take place Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the Ventana Room of the Student Union Memorial Center.