William Chambers Theatre Arts senior
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday March 3, 2003
Theatre major doesn't have the butt to wear tights, prefers to work behind the scenes
WILDCAT: Ooh, theater, that's so fun.
WILDCAT: I used to want to be an actress. I used to put on plays for my parents. OK, but back to you.
CHAMBERS: Well, I do the technical part.
WILDCAT: Oh, the lights, camera, action part of it?
CHAMBERS: Yeah, the behind-the-scenes stuff.
WILDCAT: You are a nice boy. I couldn't do that. I most definitely need to be the center of attention. Just kidding.
CHAMBERS: You know, it really doesn't require a major to act. So, I want something that will mean something when I graduate. Anyway, what's the question again?
WILDCAT: Do you ever get mad at someone and say in an evil voice, "Haha, I'm going to turn the sound off!"?
CHAMBERS: No. 'Cuz that's my job and I'd get fired.
WILDCAT: Really? What are you going to do after you graduate?
CHAMBERS: Right now I'm going try for a summer internship, so hopefully that will work out. I think it's in Colorado, some Shakespeare festival.
WILDCAT: Ooh, that is so fun. Actually, it's in Utah. I only know this because I have a solid Utah connection. But anyway, are you going to wear tights?
CHAMBERS: Uh, no, no. I'm not acting.
WILDCAT: You could still wear tights though, just to get in the Shakespeare mood.
CHAMBERS: I don't think I'd look good in tights. Actually, I have a big ass, so that's why I won't wear tights.
WILDCAT: I was just thinking that. I was like, "Man, that guy has a ghetto booty." Not really, I made that up.
WILDCAT: Do you own a bobble head doll?
CHAMBERS: I don't.
WILDCAT: Would you like to be a bobble head doll? Well, not you personally, but one made to look like you?
CHAMBERS: No, I think I would get offended. I have a big head, so ·
WILDCAT: So, it wouldn't just bobble, it would flat out fall over from all of the upper body weight.