Rachel Wilson, UA employee, member of the 24-hour strike, and one of four who were recently arrested for locking themselves to a railing in the lobby of the Administration Building.
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday March 27, 2003
Campus activist suggests cactus on Mall, likes U-Locks
WILDCAT: Of all things, OK, I need to think of the stupid question before I ask it · OK! Of all things to protest, why go on the UA Mall? Couldn't there be anywhere else you could think of protesting?
WILSON: We should have just gone to the regular mall. That would be more interesting.
WILDCAT: I mean, come on, it's brown all the time!
WILSON: Yeah, the brown is a serious issue that we're definitely concerned about. People should devote a lot more of their time wondering why the Mall is brown.
WILDCAT: If this is a grass-roots effort to try and stop the war ·
WILSON: Then there should be grass!
WILDCAT: Why don't we start a weed and seed campaign here? If South Tucson has one why can't we?
WILSON: It's something to think about. There is a water issue there, why don't we make it all cactus?
WILDCAT: What about walking through it? Just have a herd of buffalo that wanders through!
WILSON: Sand! It could be a beach instead of a Mall!
WILDCAT: But then it would be a little Iraq.
WILSON: (laughing) I like the idea of a beach better than Iraq.
WILDCAT: Seriously, you're sitting here in the library with all those comfy chairs, laptops and all that, is this any better than the lobby of the Admin. building?
WILSON: You know, the Admin. building is better. They have a kitchen, and their bathrooms are bigger and have better facilities.
WILDCAT: Ah yes, the presidential suite. What do you think he has up there, a shower or something?
WILSON: You know, I never made it that far into his office. But I do know he has a beautiful picture-view of the mountains. I really covet that. I wish I could have that.
WILDCAT: Hold on, I forgot my next question · Ughh! Brain fart! Oh yeah! Why the U-locks to lock yourself to that rail, don't you think that's a little non-fashionable?
WILSON: It's a protester's dream I tell you, U-locks.
WILSON: Well they're strong, and if they aren't fashionable, that kind of fits in with the rest of us. We're not too fashionable.
WILDCAT: Why not bring it back to the 19th century? You could use ropes!
WILSON: Ropes, ropes, there's a lot of danger in ropes, lot of danger in hanging.