Jacy Bell physics and chemistry freshman
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday April 1, 2003
WILDCAT: April Fool's Day, what's the scoop?
HERRERA: We work at McKale and we're not sure yet. We're thinking of a plan.
BELL: We're thinking of getting some football players at practice tomorrow.
HERRERA: We're thinking of like, unscrewing the lids (from their drink bottles).
BELL: Well, I don't know, we're trying to, but they're bigger than us.
WILDCAT: That's a good point. They are bigger than you guys. Could you actually see them coming back at you and doing something better? I mean, not like, getting violent or anything like O.J Simpson or something.
HERRERA: They probably would.
Christina Herrera physical education sophomore
BELL: They'd find something to do to us but it's worth it.
WILDCAT: If there were any other people you'd really want to get, who would they be?
BELL and HERRERA: I don't know.
WILDCAT: If someone came down and said "You have this one wish," who would it be?
HERRERA: Oh · (looks puzzled).
BELL: I don't know, I couldn't think of anyone.
WILDCAT: Come on! You don't have anyone you want to take revenge on?
HERRERA: I still don't know.
WILDCAT: (as a UAPD cruiser pulls up) No police officers or anything?
HERRERA: Oh yeah! Officer Menino!
WILDCAT: Which department?
HERRERA: Tucson.
WILDCAT PHOTOGRAPHER: Is he that guy right there?
HERRERA: No, I think he's cool.
WILDCAT: Do you think you guys are going to get nabbed too?
HERRERA: Probably.
BELL: Knowing the athletes we're around, they're already known for playing pranks as it is, so ·
WILDCAT: Who are your usual suspects?
HERRERA: I don't know.
WILDCAT: You don't know? I think you're hiding something. What if it was your orthodontist that did it, put "the chain" across your braces to make you cry?
HERRERA: No, my orthodontist is cool.
WILDCAT: Dude, mine wasn't. He always made me cry.