Casey Green psychology sophomore
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday April 8, 2003
Psychology sophomore discusses soap operas and desire to solve teenagers' problems
WILDCAT: Psychology of the what?
GREEN: Umm · of the mind.
WILDCAT: Right, what can you do with that one?
GREEN: I was thinking of creating a program for at-risk adolescents in the theater arts actually, I love drama and I love watching people come alive and define themselves, and watch them do something they never thought they could do.
WILDCAT: Can I admit something to you?
GREEN: What?
WILDCAT: I watch "Young and the Restless," is that kind of the same thing?
GREEN: No! But you can find yourself in that and you can become famous that way.
WILDCAT: It's just that Jack · Oh that Jack! He just doesn't know how to treat that one girl right. OK, I don't know. I watched it today while I was doing some work or something.
GREEN: I wish, I've never seen that one.
WILDCAT: Well, my girlfriend makes me watch this one show, it's called "Passions," have you ever seen it?
WILDCAT: She said it's meant for kids our age. It's a new-age one and it's got worse acting than the one I watch. I'm just mortified by the whole idea that they get paid to do that. But hey, people pay me to do this.
GREEN: Well that's good. Do you want to be a writer?
WILDCAT: Yeah, I want to be a writer, not like a Stephen King writer. I don't want to be hit by a car in Maine and then write about it or something. So do you want to help little kids?
GREEN: No, not as much kids but teenagers.
WILDCAT: Like, troubled kids?
GREEN: I guess so, yeah, one of those people that just need to find themselves.
WILDCAT: Because I was a bad kid. I would always try and get suspended right around vacation, so I knew my break would be longer.
GREEN: Well there you go!
WILDCAT: Were you a bad person or were you a good girl?
GREEN: No I was a good girl, I tried to be bad though.