Amanda Conover business, studio art and art history senior
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday April 11, 2003
Art history senior has two dogs; not too into the idea of public displays of affection
WILDCAT: So what is all this stuff you're playing with here in the art building? It's kind of goopy.
CONOVER: I'm making a print actually.
WILDCAT: Have you ever forged any documents?
CONOVER: Um, no.
WILDCAT: Just thought I'd ask. So you're graduating in May. What color is your tassel?
CONOVER: Um, I don't know.
WILDCAT: Really? Did you know that one college has salmon-colored tassels?
CONOVER: That's kind of weird.
WILDCAT: I know. I feel bad for the guys who have to wear them, it's kind of ·
WILDCAT: Do you have any pets?
CONOVER: Not here.
WILDCAT: Would you ever name your pet Foofy?
WILDCAT: Well then what's your favorite pet name?
CONOVER: Well, Nikita and Casey, because those are my dog's names.
WILDCAT: Ah, unbiased, I see. What is your biggest pet peeve?
CONOVER: I don't know, I can't think of one right now.
WILDCAT: I can, but this isn't about me. What is your choice pet food for your dogs?
CONOVER: Well, actually, my dog has a disease, so he has to eat a special kind of food.
WILDCAT: What are the chances of that?
WILDCAT PHOTOGRAPHER: Do you have any pet names for boys?
WILDCAT: Schmooky?
WILDCAT: Puddy wuddy face? How do you feel about PDA?
CONOVER: I'd rather not answer that question. My friends will make fun of me.
WILDCAT: Ew. You're a PDA person, aren't you?
CONOVER: No. I'm really not.
WILDCAT: Okay, but if I see you playing tonsil hockey with some boy, I'll be sure to call you on it.