Hugh Mulligan graphic design junior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 13, 2002
Graphic design junior risks limbs jumping motorcycles, refuels with art, Mexican food
WILDCAT: How did you get that cast on your leg?
MULLIGAN: I broke it riding my motorcycle.
MULLIGAN: Out in Pinal, by Pinal Air Park. Like out on the freeway.
WILDCAT: Were you driving on the freeway?
MULLIGAN: Yeah. No, no, no, up a little jump.
WILDCAT: You know, if you tell people it was a big jump it sounds much more dramatic.
MULLIGAN: Yeah, it was a huge jump, like over that building.
WILDCAT: Oh, my gosh. That's amazing.
MULLIGAN: Yeah, pretty cool.
WILDCAT: How much longer do you have that cast on for?
MULLIGAN: About five weeks, I think.
WILDCAT: Do you have marks under your armpit?
MULLIGAN: No, not really.
WILDCAT: What's it like walking around in the heat with crutches?
MULLIGAN: Not too good. It's a lot worse than walking around normal.
WILDCAT: How long does it take you to get to class?
MULLIGAN: I don't know, 10 minutes.
WILDCAT: You're pretty quick.
MULLIGAN: I've got the little cart to take me around.
WILDCAT: Must be nice. So, who drives that, students or faculty?
MULLIGAN: Faculty.
WILDCAT: Do you trust them?
MULLIGAN: Yeah, they're pretty good.
WILDCAT: What are you doing this weekend? Anything exciting?
MULLIGAN: I don't know. Maybe checking out an art opening.
WILDCAT: Really? That sounds fun. So, if you were Popeye and only one food made you super strong, what would it be?
MULLIGAN: I'll say any kind of Mexican food. That's a different kind of Popeye though. That's Popee.