David Hansbrough education junior
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday April 25, 2003
Internet junkie always sticks up for the little guy, has his mind set on special ed
WILDCAT: Do you want to be a teacher?
WILDCAT: What, like little kids or something?
HANSBROUGH: Yeah, more like special education at the middle school age.
WILDCAT: That's awesome. What got you into special education?
HANSBROUGH: Nothing really in particular. I just did a lot of reading. I guess I just found it interesting.
WILDCAT: Were you kind of like me, where there were physically challenged kids at school and then there was always those few that were all, "Ah ha ha, look at the retard," and then you're all, "Hey, back off!" Did you do that?
HANSBROUGH: Yeah! That was totally me. I'd often tell people that wasn't very nice.
WILDCAT: You'd stick up for them. I like to hear that, that's cool. How long have you been studying this business you've got here (pointing at table)?
HANSBROUGH: Oh, I don't know, maybe uh, an hour and a half. With dinner and talking to friends probably about a half hour.
WILDCAT: Well what are you going to do after this?
HANSBROUGH: I'll hop on the Internet.
WILDCAT: Go to some of THOSE sites huh?
HANSBROUGH: (laughing)
WILDCAT: I won't make you admit that; I'm sorry.
HANSBROUGH: I don't do that kind of stuff.
WILDCAT: Neither do I, but I have this friend, wait, do you have a high-speed connection at home?
WILDCAT: Well anyway, my friend came over to my house for Christmas dinner, and we have this high-speed connection. So he decides to start downloading porn onto my dad's computer. Can you believe that? Anyway, so what do you do on the Internet?
HANSBROUGH: I e-mail ÷ that's about it.
WILDCAT: So are you like me? Does your life kind of revolve around what you want to do? Like, I can't stay away from newspaper sites.