Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday April 30, 2003
What is your favorite vacation spot?
"Egypt ÷ I'd love to go there. That's where my boyfriend is from."
Jennifer LaPlante
business management senior
"Sri Lanka, or somewhere far away like that."
Fabs Gonzalez
illustration senior
"Brazil, for the music. Their whole culture is based around drumming and music. It's just a fascinating culture."
Garrett McGaugh
percussion senior
"I want to go to Italy and take pictures, and be so successful with it that all I have to worry about is the art."
McKenzie Brooks
photography sophomore
"Taking a sailboat to the Caribbean and sailing around to all of the islands. I'd love the white sand and snorkeling. I don't have a sailboat though ..."
Jeff Jackson
pre-finance sophomore
"Maybe some exotic beach or Amsterdam. They have a lot of things there, like girls."
David Pesqueira
center for English as a second language first-year student