Emi Kojima operations management junior
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Summer Wildcat
Wednesday July 2, 2003
Fourth of July plans includes kinky red fireworks, blue hair
WILDCAT: Do you have any big plans for the Fourth of July?
KOJIMA: My husband and I are probably going to go to "A" Mountain.
WILDCAT: Do you have a preference for your favorite color firework, like one that gets more "oohs and aahs" out of you?
KOJIMA: Red is good.
WILDCAT: Red? I like red.
KOJIMA: It's really very passionate. I am Japanese, so I like red.
WILDCAT: Kinky. Do you know a lot about American history?
KOJIMA: Yes, I'm taking a class.
WILDCAT: So, who do you think is the most patriotic person in American history?
KOJIMA: I don't know, definitely not Clinton.
WILDCAT: I agree. He's a little bit skanky.
KOJIMA: Yeah. I don't know. Who do you think is patriotic? What do people usually say?
WILDCAT: Well, you know, you get the usual dead, old guys: Washington, Lincoln. So look at this, my husband painted my toenails blue for the Fourth of July. How about we dye your hair blue?
KOJIMA: Um, no.
WILDCAT: Boring. Okay, well, I need to be amused somehow, so if I dared you to dress up like the Statue of Liberty, would you?
KOJIMA: No. I'm not patriotic. My husband pays the patriot tax, so that's my patriotism.
WILDCAT: Well done! That's the American way.