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Letters to the Editor

Liberals' Îblame everything on Republicans' habit misguided

When liberals use words like "moderate" and "centrist" to describe their candidates, one must always be careful and take that message with a grain of salt. Think about the author of the commentary titled, "Time to Let Democrats take the Wheel," by Kendrick Wilson. Mr. Wilson is a self-described environmental liberal; this admission justly makes his claim ÷ that candidates like Napolitano are "moderate" ÷ insignificant to people who are truly independent political thinkers. Getting a "moderate" rating from Wilson is like receiving one from Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy. [Read article]

Union must listen to the free market

The Student Union Memorial Center is having trouble filling its vacant shop space, but union managers are choosing to target the same types of businesses that already pulled up stakes.

Rather than deciding what kinds of businesses students should frequent, union managers should broaden their scope of possibilities for attracting student dollars.

The spaces had formerly been rented by Union Bank, which closed in late May, hair salon Fantastic Sams, which closed in July, and U-Mart, which relocated to a larger union location this summer. [Read article]

Clemency board takes Îhypocritic' oath

Scalpel. Check.

Clamp. Check.

Fat pound of grass ·

That may very well be what you'll hear at the UA College of Medicine if the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency has its way.

Scott Brennan has spent the last year in prison for drug trafficking. He has also decided that he would rather go back to school than stay in prison. He hired a big shot attorney and launched an effort to convince the clemency board to commute the remainder of his sentence. Along the way, he gained the support of a list of people that reads like a Who's Who of Arizona politics that includes four former governors, scores of medical students, professors and others. The spin he and his attorneys put on the situation is that of redemption and public service. [Read article]

photo Bridging the budget gaps the fun way

With the good ol' UA mired deep in debt and getting the finger from the state in pretty much every way possible, it's time to start looking for some ways to cope ÷ besides narcotics, of course. Here are a few of my creative ideas to bridge the massive budget gaps, many of which are even legal!

First off, let's look at what resources we already have that could easily be put to our advantage: a football team who was just emasculated by Wisconsin for one. I say we equip these guys with tube socks full of marbles and send them into the surrounding areas to collect "protection" money from the locals. Hey, I mean, the Tucson police have been pulling this off for years with their little traffic control scheme (i.e. being in cahoots with the crooked toads who run Parking and Transportation Services for the university) that intends to "cut down traffic" in the major flow areas of the side streets immediately surrounding the school. While I do resent this unmasked attempt to screw the student body out of further food/beer/crack money (depending on your major) and force those of us who thumb our noses at convention to pack camping equipment and anti-wolf implements to get from our cars to school, they do have a pretty good racket going. [Read article]


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