Optics center expanding to boost research clout
As passengers get off planes at Tucson International Airport, a sign with a picture of mayor Bob Walkup reads, "Welcome to Optics Valley," and the latest campus construction prospect reinforces that local motto.
Yesterday, the UA broke ground on a $17.2 million expansion of the Meinel Optical Sciences Center, making way for the building to double its size toward the Main Library with the addition of new classrooms, offices, research facilities and conference rooms.
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Gun incident prompts frat to ID partiers
After a Bid Night incident in which a partygoer pulled a gun on three security guards hired for the evening, a UA fraternity president said his house will begin checking identification at the door for parties.
Security guards escorted three men out of a Sept. 13 party at the Alpha Gamma Rho house, 638 E. University Blvd., for having a bottle of liquor and for making lewd statements to females.
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Professor speaks to women's group on ÎHidden U.S. Policy' toward Iraq
The Bush administration is pushing toward war with Iraq not because of problems with Saddam Hussein but because they are trying to justify their foreign power, a UA professor told a crowd of 75 people Saturday.
During his speech, "Iraq, Behind the Headlines · What is the Hidden U.S. Policy," David Gibbs, an associate professor of political science, discussed his take on the Bush administration's official justifications for war.
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On the Spot
Junior gives little thought to cross-dressing, but knows where business students go for lunch
WILDCAT: What are you going to order here at Subway?
CROTHERS: I'm gonna have the Subway club on Monterey Cheddar bread.
WILDCAT: Yummy. What kind of toppings are you going to put on it?
CROTHERS: I like onions, lettuce and green peppers.
WILDCAT: Not so yummy. What about the oil and vinegar?
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U-Wire: ÎFree-speech zones' popping up on campuses nationwide
EUGENE, Ore. ÷ When a group of students camped at Johnson Hall in April 2000 to protest the University of Oregon's resistance to joining the Worker Rights Consortium, nobody told them they were outside their "free-speech zone." Nobody told them they must move to a remote part of campus. In fact, it seemed they recognized only one free-speech zone: everywhere.
Two years later, free-speech advocates and administration officials around the country are weighing in on what may be an extensive First Amendment battle.
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Fast facts:
In 1789, Congress passed the First Judiciary Act, which provided for an attorney general and a Supreme Court.
In 1929, the first all-instrument flight took place in New York when Lt. James H. Doolittle guided a Consolidated NY2 Biplane over Mitchell Field. Before the use of instruments, pilots guided themselves using a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and geography.
In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a heart attack while on vacation in Denver.
In 1960, the USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, was launched at Newport News, Va.
In 1968, "60 Minutes," now the longest-running newsmagazine on television, debuted on CBS-TV, on a Tuesday night.
In 1976, newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was sentenced to seven years in prison for her part in a 1974 bank robbery. She served 22 months and was then released after receiving clemency from President Jimmy Carter.
On this date:
The average snail moves at a rate of approximately 0.000362005 miles per hour.
The cover of the very first issue of Rolling Stone magazine featured John Lennon.
PEZ Candy was first marketed as a compressed peppermint candy over 70 years ago in Vienna, Austria. The name PEZ was derived from the German word for peppermint (Pfefferminz).
It is the female lion that does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.
Before the Chinese takeover of Tibet in 1952, 25 percent of the males in the country were Buddhist monks.
America's first minimum wage was 25 cents an hour, established in 1938.
"Since stem cells were first isolated in 1998, the political debate has had a chilling affect on our scientists."
÷ Christopher Reeve, actor and stem cell research activist, on stem cell research.