Lauren Terrizzi Freshman sitting outside 7-11
By Nate Buchik
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday September 27, 2002
Ad campaigns, thumb wars, life as a girl's bike seat all discussed at two local convenience stores
WILDCAT: What else do you do besides go to school?
TERRIZZI: I'm a receptionist at Desert Toyota.
WILDCAT: If you could create a slogan for Toyota, what would it be?
TERRIZZI: Dependability.
WILDCAT: That'd be a pretty boring slogan. No one would buy your car. If you can't think of a slogan, how do you expect to make it in the business world?
TERRIZZI: Well, I'm not a marketing major. I would go into management and I wouldn't be the one to make up the slogans.
WILDCAT: I'm a slogan major, and I think you have a lot of work to do, but you could benefit a lot from learning about slogans.
TERRIZZI: Very much so.
David Erickson Circle-K employee
WILDCAT: We were just over at 7-11 and the cashier over there said he wanted to fight you. Will you fight him?
ERICKSON: No, I feel sorry for that guy.
WILDCAT: Would you have a thumb war with him?
ERICKSON: Possibly.
WILDCAT: If the United States had a thumb war versus Iraq, who would win?
ERICKSON: Probably us.
WILDCAT: What about if the United States had a war against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?
ERICKSON: They would, because they're more technologically advanced.
WILDCAT: If you could morph into anything, what would it be?
ERICKSON: A girl's bicycle seat.
WILDCAT: What's the funniest thing that's ever happened at Circle K?
ERICKSON: How about the people that come in here and ask, "Um, do you sell cigarettes?"