Kristen Moore industrial engineering junior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday October 2, 2002
Industrial engineering junior on being bossy, having school pride and leading a bug revolt
WILDCAT: What do you plan on doing as an industrial engineer?
MOORE: Hopefully, go on to business and make a lot of money.
WILDCAT: What exactly would you make?
MOORE: We work on efficiency in systems. We don't really manufacture anything, or it's not very technical. It's more like management.
WILDCAT: So, you're the boss.
MOORE: Kind of.
WILDCAT: Are you a bossy person ÷ do you thrive off of telling people what to do?
MOORE: Yeah. Well, not telling people what to do.
WILDCAT: You can say it, it's OK. So you like to boss people around. Who doesn't?
MOORE: No bossing.
WILDCAT: I'm bossy. Where are you from?
MOORE: San Luis Obispo, California.
WILDCAT: Oooh · very beachy.
MOORE: Yeah.
WILDCAT: Do tell why you picked stunning Tucson as your place of education.
MOORE: I love U of A. I love the campus, I love the school spirit, I love the people.
WILDCAT: Have you met a lot of people you can boss around?
WILDCAT: Is the UA very industrially efficient?
MOORE: I think it is really student-friendly.
WILDCAT: Yeah, which makes it very industrially efficient. So do you think everyone on campus is as enthusiastic about UA as you are?
MOORE: The only thing I can think of about somebody bashing the U of A, is maybe they were in a program that got cancelled ÷ which happens quite a lot because of budget cuts and stuff.
WILDCAT: So, if bugs were to take over the world, and you were their leader, what kind of bug would you be?
MOORE: A lady bug.
WILDCAT: What? That is not a very powerful bug.
MOORE: But they are so cute, and people treat them really nice.