$11.8M National Cancer Center grant aims to wipe out gastrointestinal cancers
Cancer patients may soon have new options for treating and preventing gastrointestinal cancers because of research being done at the Arizona Cancer Center at the Arizona Health Sciences Center.
"We want to be able to answer questions like: ÎAt what age should you have a colonoscopy? How often should you get one? And should you be on preventative treatment?'" said Dr. Eugene Gerner, principal investigator of the research.
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Campus assaults, thefts up last year
More assaults and thefts were reported on campus last year than in any of the previous four years, but arrests for assault and theft fell.
Arrests for drug use and alcohol violations, however, increased.
There were more reports of aggravated assault last year than there had been in the previous three years, with 20 cases reported, according to an annual report from the University of Arizona Police Department.
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Afghan journey shapes alumnus
While working as a photographer at the Arizona Daily Wildcat just two years ago, Joshua Trujillo was put on assignment to cover the Fourth Avenue riots.
Having to watch for rubber pellets shot by the police and Tucsonans rioting was part of his job.
Compared to his job now, that was nothing.
A few months after graduating, Trujillo went to shoot photos in Afghanistan.
"I was shocked that they would send someone so green and fresh out of school," said Trujillo, now a photographer for Hearst Newspapers.
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Senate OKs campus party, Homecoming
The student senate unanimously approved $9,220.52 for three UA clubs yesterday.
Bobcats Senior Honorary will get $8,455.52 for their Homecoming celebration.
The club requested $5,493.98 for set up, clean up, rental equipment, labor, a parade and a bonfire. The other funds will pay for a faŤade, banner and polo shirts.
Homecoming events are scheduled from Nov. 4 to Nov. 9.
The senate of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona unanimously passed the funding requests, which also included $665 for engineering fraternity Theta Tau and $100 for initial funding for Wildcat Habitat for Humanity.
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On the Spot
Minister talks candidly about speeding, rock theology and good superhero spontaneity
WILDCAT: Have you ever been in a car accident?
BARRON-GAFFORD: No, I haven't.
WILDCAT: That's amazing. So, to what do you attribute your clean driving record?
BARRON-GAFFORD: A lot of cautiousness.
WILDCAT: Do you always drive the speed limit?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Pretty much. In town, I try to.
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U-WIRE: Missing chickens prompt some at Cal State to suspect fowl play
SACRAMENTO, Calif. ÷ A noticeable fall-off in the number of chickens and roosters on campus has some people wondering where they've gone.
Douglas Bell, an assistant professor in the Biological Sciences program at California State University-Sacramento, said that there are many possibilities for the absence of chickens on campus.
Bell said that he heard rumors that administration may have rounded up some of the roosters because of complaints of the noise level.
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U-WIRE: U. Florida club offers students a drink for registering to vote
GAINESVILLE, Fla. ÷ Participating in the political process could help University of Florida students save money on two cornerstones of college life ÷ food and beer.
In an attempt to encourage student participation in politics, the Bill McBride for Governor student organization is sponsoring a "Get Out the Vote" drive Wednesday and Friday in The Swamp restaurant.
Students who register to vote at the non-partisan event or show a voter registration card will receive a free drink or 25 percent off the price of a meal.
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Fast facts:
Hazelnuts are also known as filberts because, according to European folklore, they are ready for harvest on Aug. 22, St. Philbert's Day.
80 percent of the world's species of roses come from Asia.
Before going into the entertainment business, both Kris Kristofferson and Gene Roddenberry earned a living as pilots. Tough-guy actor Robert Mitchum, before he was successful in films, worked as a drop hammer operator at Lockheed Aircraft.
The blow of a whale has a strong, foul odor. It apparently smells like a combination of spoiled fish and old oil. Because whales have such terrible breath, sailors believed at one time that a whiff of it could cause brain disorders.
An expert fly fisherman may have as many as 10,000 flies in his collection.
On this date:
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.
In 1906, SOS was established as an international distress signal at the Berlin Radio Conference. Coming into effect in July 1908, it replaced "CQD," which was supposed to mean "all stations ÷ urgent."
In 1941, "The Maltese Falcon," starring Humphrey Bogart and directed by John Huston, premiered in New York.
In 1977, former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was arrested on corruption charges.
In 1990, East and West Germany formally united, burying 45 years of Cold War division.
In 1995, the O.J. Simpson trial ended with Simpson being cleared of the charges that he murdered his wife Nicole and a male companion.
"If the inspections go forward, perhaps we can avoid a conflict · Until they fail we don't have to cross bridges we would prefer not to cross."
÷ Former President Bill Clinton, speaking in England on weapons inspections in Iraq