Amy Barron-Gafford Minister of art, First United Methodist Church of Tucson
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday October 3, 2002
Minister talks candidly about speeding, rock theology and good superhero spontaneity
WILDCAT: Have you ever been in a car accident?
BARRON-GAFFORD: No, I haven't.
WILDCAT: That's amazing. So, to what do you attribute your clean driving record?
BARRON-GAFFORD: A lot of cautiousness.
WILDCAT: Do you always drive the speed limit?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Pretty much. In town, I try to.
WILDCAT: Oh, you go crazy on the freeway?
BARRON-GAFFORD: No, not crazy. Pretty close to the speed limit, just a few miles over.
WILDCAT: You are out of control. What's your favorite song?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Probably something by the Indigo Girls. "Ghost."
WILDCAT: If you were a singer in a group, what would the name of your group be?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Probably, Process This.
WILDCAT: Very catchy. Why would you choose that?
BARRON-GAFFORD: The theology that I sort of studied understands our world through what is called process theology. That word tends to cross my mind a lot.
WILDCAT: Would you want to be the lead singer, or play an instrument?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Oh, definitely sing.
WILDCAT: Do you like to be on stage?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Not an awful lot. But you know you have those dreams of the other life that you'd live.
WILDCAT: If you were a superhero, what color would your costumes be?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Probably blue and green.
WILDCAT: Cape or no cape? Mask or no mask?
BARRON-GAFFORD: No cape. No mask.
WILDCAT: Now, would you want to change in someplace like the Batcave, or more Superman-style, in a phone booth?
BARRON-GAFFORD: Probably more of the quick change.
WILDCAT: Just want to get down to business? So, where would your changing place be? And you can't say a phone booth, because it will be occupied by Clark Kent.
BARRON-GAFFORD: It could be anywhere. Spontaneous.
WILDCAT: That's a good quality in a superhero.