Likins: Cut budgets by 5 percent more
Gov. Hull expected to give specifics on any possible cut as early as the end of this week
In a memo released Friday, President Peter Likins asked the deans of all colleges to write proposals detailing how they would cut an additional 5 percent from their budget and asked administrators of non-academic departments to make proposals for 10 percent cuts.
Likins expects UA will face a $33 million cut in state funds this year, on top of the $16.6 million ÷ 4.6 percent ÷ cut last year.
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UA out for blood in competition with ASU
16th-annual blood drive kicks off today with a 1,500-pint goal
The rivalry between UA and ASU isn't over until somebody draws blood ÷ or at least donates it.
Hundreds of people are expected to donate as the 16th-annual UA/ASU blood drive begins today on both campuses.
The drive will kick off today at the Tucson Institute of Religion on East Second Street and North Mountain Avenue from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m., and will be held at various buildings throughout campus until Oct. 18.
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Students paint ÎA' Mountain, selves
Blue Key and freshmen carry on UA tradition
A splash of red, white and blue brightened up "A" Mountain on Saturday morning, although the majority of paint was used to whitewash students who showed up for the "A" Day event.
Around 200 students, mostly freshman, continued the annual UA tradition of touching up the "A" on "A" Mountain before an early season home football game.
Upon arriving, 20 gallons of paint and 500 gallons of water were mixed into plastic buckets for groups of freshman to take up the mountain and dump on the "A."
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100 give women's rehab clinic a hand
More than 100 UA employees and family members spent Saturday morning ripping three-foot tall weeds from the ground and laying bricks as part of what is becoming an annual UA tradition of helping out at a clinic for women with substance abuse problems.
Beginning at 8 a.m., workers from the UA gathered before starting their six-hour day of yard work and other tasks at the clinic, named The Haven, at 1107 E. Adelaide Drive.
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On the Spot
Junior box office ticket seller gets creeped out by singing men with masks, considers self Îthe spice' in her mac'n'cheese
WILDCAT: What is your job here at Centennial Hall?
PUGA: I'm a ticket-seller.
WILDCAT: A ticket-seller. Is that your official title?
PUGA: Yeah, box office ticket-seller.
WILDCAT: Do you ever see the performances that go on here?
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Campus Briefs
Today last chance to register to vote in election on Nov. 5
The general election is just a month away, but the deadline for registering to vote in the Nov. 5 election is today.
A recent letter from President Peter Likins urges everyone related with the university to get registered.
The top five state government posts ÷governor, secretary of state, state superintendent of public education, attorney general and treasurer ÷ will be determined in this election.
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Fast facts:
In 1945, Percy Spencer discovered that when popcorn was placed under microwave energy, it popped. This led to many experiments with other foods, and ultimately, the birth of the microwave oven.
By age 6 months, the voracious pig will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent.
The nation of Bangladesh covers approximately the same land area as the state of Wisconsin. Yet it ranks eighth in population among all the world's countries.
A horse can sleep standing up.
The raccoon derives its name from an Indian word meaning "he who scratches with his hands."
On this date:
In 1806, carbon paper was patented in London by inventor Ralph Wedgewood.
In 1849, author/poet Edgar Allan Poe died in Baltimore at age 40.
In 1913, Henry Ford unveiled his new "moving assembly line" to speed up mass production of his cars at the Michigan plant.
In 1916, the most staggering intercollegiate football defeat in history took place at Atlanta, Georgia, as Georgia Tech beat Cumberland University, 222-0.
In 1956, a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee started investigations of television quiz shows that were allegedly rigged.
"By God, the youths of God are preparing for you things that would fill your hearts with terror and target your economic lifeline until you stop your oppression and aggression (against Muslims)."
÷ An audiotape attributed to Osama bin Laden and broadcast Sunday on the Arab satellite station al-Jazeera warning against more attacks against the United States.