Nancy Puga Education junior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday October 7, 2002
Junior box office ticket seller gets creeped out by singing men with masks, considers self Îthe spice' in her mac'n'cheese
WILDCAT: What is your job here at Centennial Hall?
PUGA: I'm a ticket-seller.
WILDCAT: A ticket-seller. Is that your official title?
PUGA: Yeah, box office ticket-seller.
WILDCAT: Do you ever see the performances that go on here?
PUGA: Yeah, if you work a show, then after your shift you can. Sometimes you get comp tickets.
WILDCAT: What's the most exciting show you've seen here?
PUGA: I think "Phantom of the Opera."
WILDCAT: What if a man with a creepy mask was following you around and singing to you, do you think you would fall in love with him?
PUGA: Probably not.
WILDCAT: I would probably slap him. If you were a bowl of mac'n'cheese, would you want to be, the macaroni or the cheese?
PUGA: I have no idea.
WILDCAT: Well, let's think about it. Let's weigh the pros and cons of each.
WILDCAT: If you are macaroni you are ·
PUGA: Fun-shaped.
WILDCAT: And pretty good-tasting.
WILDCAT PHOTOGRAPHER: Yes, but the cheese is the whole flavor.
PUGA: Yeah, that's true ÷ the macaroni doesn't taste good by itself.
WILDCAT: But it's the foundation. So are you the spice, or the glue that holds everything together?
PUGA: The spice.
WILDCAT: If I dared you to put 20 jalape–os in your mouth, would you do it?
PUGA: Twenty jalape–os. I don't think so.
WILDCAT: Would you stick just one up your nose?
PUGA: What kind of question is that? Um · no.
WILDCAT: I knew someone who did, and his nostril was inflamed for a few days.
PUGA: OK, that's weird.