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2 slain profs feared Flores

At least two of the three professors murdered Monday expressed concern about Robert Stewart Flores Jr.'s "anger," one as recently as Saturday night, according to several sources.

Assistant professor Robin Rogers, Flores' first victim, told friends and family she had fears about Flores when he failed her class last semester.

Rogers reportedly voiced her concerns at a church service at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church last Saturday night, according to nursing professor Joann Glittenberg. [Read article]

B-ball tix available tomorrow

Students hoping to purchase any of the remaining men's basketball tickets will have their chance tomorrow morning when ticket office phone lines are opened.

The ticket office announced yesterday that beginning at 7 a.m. tomorrow, students can call 621-CATS ÷ if they can get through ÷ and receive an opportunity to purchase one of the remaining 550 spots.

The athletics department will add the names of the first 550 callers on a list of students who can purchase two tickets each on Friday or Monday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. [Read article]

Remembering the Lost

Spiritual nurse, counselor, volunteer chaplain, role model

From the classes she taught on death and dying to the UA students she counseled on loss and grief, death was always a part of associate nursing professor Cheryl McGaffic's life, as she was concerned about patients near death and lectured often on the special care that these patients must be given.

Spirituality was a focal point of McGaffic's life and she was nearing a transition phase where she was planning on giving up nursing and becoming either an Episcopalian chaplain or pursuing a master's degree in divinity from UA, friends and family said. [Read article]

Online Exclusive: Faculty and students attempt normality

UA returns to normal, campus still somber, some say

Students hurried across the UA Mall yesterday and teachers delivered lectures to auditoriums filled with students, most not able to forget Monday's tragedies, but all doing what they knew how to do: trying to live life as normal.

Some administrators, faculty and students described the mood on UA's campus yesterday as somber, quiet and surreal in the wake of Monday's murders. Others said they didn't notice any differences. [Read article]

photo Practical vision guides Îno nonsense' Napolitano

Janet Napolitano, the Democratic candidate for governor, said "It's high time for a change" in Arizona.

After being the state's attorney general for the past four years, Napolitano said she has the "no nonsense" attitude and the long-term vision that is needed to lead Arizona toward a better future.

She said that with her practical solutions she will end the budget problems without raising taxes or cutting K-12 education. [Read article]

Meet the Candidates: U.S. House of Representatives District 7

Raul Grijalva (D)

Education: Bachelor of arts in sociology, UA

At-a-glance: Grijalva said he needs more information about Focused Excellence, because he worries that the plan could make the student population less diverse.

"Likins wants this to be a smart university," he said. "I think this is a public institution and if that's going to change, then it needs to be done carefully." [Read article]

On the Spot

Business freshman says she loves carrots, but is considering false advertising lawsuit anywayBusiness freshman says she loves carrots, but is considering false advertising lawsuit anyway

WILDCAT: Do you live on campus?

WEIR: Yeah.

WILDCAT: What dorm do you live in?

WEIR: Coronado.

WILDCAT: Good old Scoronado. You have it so nice. There were puke stains in the carpet when I lived there; it was disgusting. But you have · [Read article]

U-WIRE: Princeton historian supports Îcontroversy as a teaching tool'

HOUSTON ÷ A prominent Princeton University historian called for more teachers of history to use "controversy as a teaching tool" during a lecture Saturday on campus.

Nell Painter, along with Linda Gordon, a New York University history professor, and Allan Winkler, an author, all discussed the need for more perspectives in history as well as the need to dispel some American myths, like "family values," which Gordon says never existed. [Read article]

U-WIRE: File-sharing of music, movies clogs Internet at Columbia U.

NEW YORK ÷ College residence halls are known for their blazingly fast Internet access, but lately students at Columbia University have been complaining of lackluster connection speeds and sluggish network performance. An increasing number of individuals are using Columbia's network to download music, movies, and other bandwidth-demanding files from the Internet, creating an adverse ripple effect on the performance of network systems throughout the campus, said Jeff Eldredge, Manager of Computing Support Services for AcIS. [Read article]


Fast facts:

  • The human brain is more active when sleeping than it is when watching TV.
  • A cluster or bunch of bananas is called a hand. Individual bananas are called fingers.
  • The right arm and torch of the Statue of Liberty crossed the Atlantic Ocean three times. It first crossed for display at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition and in New York, where money was raised for the foundation and pedestal. It was returned to Paris in 1882 to be reunited with the rest of the statue, which was then shipped back to the United States.

    On this date:

  • In 1894, Daniel M. Cooper of Rochester, N.Y., patented the time clock into which timecards were inserted. The time clock would stamp the time on the card to record the time an employee started and ended work.
  • In 1938, the radio drama, "War of the Worlds," produced by Orson Welles over the Columbia Broadcasting System, was broadcast for the first time. The realism of the radio drama was unprecedented, as it duplicated a newscast with startling precision. The broadcast panicked thousands of people who thought that Martians were actually landing in New Jersey.
  • In 1972, 45 people were killed when two trains collided in Chicago.


    "An integral component of the practice of medicine is the communication between doctor and a patient. Physicians must be able to speak frankly and openly to patients."

    ÷ Chief Circuit Judge Mary Schroeder on a federal appeals court ruling saying that doctors' prescription licenses cannot be revoked for recommending marijuana


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