Jay Criscio Atmospheric sciences senior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday November 4, 2002
Atmospheric scicences senior and Icecats superfan likes blue men, blue hair, but shuns tights
WILDCAT: How long have you been a superfan?
JAY: About 3 years right now. We started my sophomore year and it has escalated since them.
WILDCAT: Now how many of you are there in your posse?
JAY: The number has fluctuated. There is actually drama involved. We're just down to two this year.
WILDCAT: There are so many people who would totally love to be a part of it. I'd do it.
JAY: Here's just a funny little side note. I was walking to Tyndall once and a guy was in a truck; he came to a screeching halt, rolled down his widow and said, "Hey, you're the guy from the Icecats. You're awesome." Sometimes 12-year-old girls ask for my autograph and I feel like I'm in a boy band.
WILDCAT: You said there was drama. If you were to be in a Shakespeare drama, would you be excited about wearing the tights?
JAY: Nah, I don't know about the tights. I gotta let my boys be free.
WILDCAT: Sick! You know, you remind me a little of Barney from the Simpsons. What do you think?
JAY: I don't know. Yeah, I would sip beer out of an ashtray. I'm a little like Barney. I'm a little like Homer and maybe some Bart. Definitely not Ned.
WILDCAT: Marge Simpson: hot or not so much?
JAY: Hair down, hot. Hair up, too old for me.
WILDCAT: That big ol' mass of a beehive with random objects hidden in it just doesn't do it for you?
JAY: Too old school for me.
WILDCAT: If you were to take over a country and be king, which would you choose to dictate?
JAY: Canada. What else do they got to do?
WILDCAT: I think I would pick Cyprus, because it is pretty fun to say. I don't think I even know where the crap it is, but I want to take it over. What about a planet? I bet you're gonna say Uranus.
JAY: Maybe not the king of your anus. Planet X. No one has any idea where it is.
WILDCAT: Are you hoping for little green men with enormous heads?
JAY: I am hoping for little blue men. Kind of like the Smurfs.