EMILY REID/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Arizona sophomore Dianne Hollands took home both the individual title and the doubles championship in last week's Fall Desert Classic in Palm Springs, Calif. In light of her recent performance, Hollands has been named this week's Arizona Daily Wildcat's Athlete of the Week.
By Jeff Lund
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday November 13, 2002
Dunedin, New Zealand
Why she won:
Hollands won the singles title at the Fall Desert Classic in Palm Springs, and also took home the doubles championship along with teammate Kelly Perry. Hollands was seeded No.5 in the tournament and manhandled second-seeded Kendra Strohm en route to the title.
WILDCAT: How do you feel about your performance?
HOLLANDS: I was pretty confident going in there. It was a pretty good week.
WILDCAT: When did you start playing tennis?
HOLLANDS: When I was eight.
WILDCAT: Have you ever thrown your racket?
HOLLANDS: Thrown, no. Well, I have once, but that was a long time ago. I try and be as calm as I can.
WILDCAT: If you could play doubles with any player ever, who would it be?
HOLLANDS: Probably (Martina) Navratilova.
WILDCAT: What do you miss most about New Zealand?
HOLLANDS: The lifestyle. Everyone is very laid back, just cruisin'.
WILDCAT: What's the best thing about the United States?
HOLLANDS: The opportunities that are available.
WILDCAT: Do you grow kiwis?
HOLLANDS: Me, personally? No. They don't grow kiwi fruit where I lived. It was too cold.
WIDLCAT: How cold does it get where you came from?
HOLLANDS: It snows in the winter ÷ it's kind of the same climate as Scotland.
WILDCAT: Have you ever played tennis in the snow?
HOLLANDS: When I was young, we had a little tennis court in the back yard and we would play in the snow.
WILDCAT: What is your favorite movie?
HOLLANDS: "Braveheart."
WILDCAT: Why is that?
HOLLANDS: I don't know. I just seem to like it.
WILDCAT: Is it the Mel Gibson factor?
HOLLANDS: Uh, maybe, (laughs), and also the scenery.
WILDCAT: What is the most exotic place you have been?
HOLLANDS: Thailand. I went to Pattaya City. It's quite famous for the Go-Go bars, but that's not the reason I enjoyed it. The hotel was right across from the beach, and it was really exotic.
WILDCAT: Word association: Racket.
WILDCAT: Arizona State.
HOLLANDS: The enemy.
WILCDAT: Midterms.
WILDCAT: New Zealand.
HOLLANDS: Beautiful.
WILDCAT: United States.
WILDCAT: Airplanes.
HOLLANDS: My life ÷ I'm always in airplanes.
WILDCAT: Serena Williams.
HOLLANDS: Power horse.
WILDCAT: Thanksgiving.
WILDCAT: Wildcat.
HOLLANDS: Winners.